There is a practice Complaints Procedure in place. If you would like a copy please ask at reception or download one from the link below:
We’ve found that the process for investigating complaints is smoother if the complaint is written. However, if you are unable to put your complaint in writing please contact the practice manager.
There are external services available to assist you with advice and information. You may find the following contact details useful.
For complaints:
Patient Experience Team Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Board Sir John Robinson House Sir John Robinson Way Arnold Nottingham NG5 6DA Tel: 0115 8839570 Email:
If you would like further information please follow the link to the ICB website: Patient Experience and Complaints – NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB For complaints advocacy: POhWER 0300 020 0093, |
For information or advice:
NHS Nottingham City Clinical Commissioning Group advice and information line 0115 8839570 For signposting (including how to find a GP or dentist): Healthwatch Nottingham 0115 8599511 |
Complaints Policy
Churchfields Medical Practice, its GP’s and staff, always tries to provide the best possible service, however there may be times when a patient or a patient’s representative feels this has not happened. The following information explains Churchfields Medical Practice complaints procedure. This procedure is not able to deal with questions of legal liability or compensation. If this procedure is used it will not affect the patient’s or the patient’s representative’s right to complain to NHS England or any other appropriate body.
First Level Resolution
The NHS Complaints procedure includes complaints made by a person about any matter connected with the provision of NHS Services by this practice. Local resolution at practice level aims to resolve complaints quickly as close to the source of the complaint as possible.
- Any patient or person affected or likely to be affected by the actions or decisions of the practice can make a complaint. A complaint can also be made by someone acting on behalf of the patient or person but only with his or her written consent. (In circumstances where the patient is unable to complain due to a medical condition, a doctor will determine the extent to which it is appropriate for written consent to be absent.)
- The Reception Team Leader is our first point of contact for patient complaints who will try and resolve any issue raised.
- If your complaint is not resolved your complaint can be made directly to the Practice Manager or to Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Board.
- Complaints should normally be made within 6 months of the incident that caused the problem or within 6 months of discovering that you have a problem, ideally within 12 months.
Contact details for the Practice Business Manager:
Mrs Paula Gullett
Practice Business Manager
Churchfields Medical Practice
1 Bailey Street
Old Basford
Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Board:
Patient Experience Team
Nottingham and Nottinghamshire Integrated Care Board
Sir John Robinson House
Sir John Robinson Way
Tel: 0115 8839570
- The practice business manager will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within 3 working days.
- The practice business manager will investigate the complaint, which will include discussion with all persons involved. A written report on the investigation will be sent to the complainant or the complainant’s representative usually within 4 weeks. The complainant will be kept informed should the complaint take longer than this. The complainant will be given the opportunity to discuss the report findings with the practice business manager.
- Issues raised by patients will be routinely discussed at Practice Meetings.
- Complaint records will be kept in a separate file and not in the patient’s notes.
- An analysis of complaints, (anonymised), is submitted to the Nottingham City Clinical Commissioning Group.
- An Annual Review of patient complaints will be done to identify learning points and introduce any changes, if appropriate. Discussion will take place at all appropriate staff levels in the practice.
This procedure does not apply to staff working at the health centre who are employed by CityCare (Midwives, Health Visitors, District Nurses).
Resolution at Other Levels
Ombudsman. If the patient or the patient’s representative is unhappy with the response from NHS England or the practice, a request can be made to the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman for an “Independent Review” of the case. The ombudsman can be contacted at: –
Parliamentary & Health Service Ombudsman
Millbank Tower
Telephone: 0345 015 4033
From 1 July 2023, if you wish to make a complaint about primary care, please contact the service directly. Alternatively,
Telephone: 0115 8839570 or
By post: Patient Experience Team, Civic Centre, Arnot Hill Park, Nottingham Road, Arnold, Nottingham, NG5 6LU
If you would like further information please follow the link to the ICB website: Patient Experience and Complaints – NHS Nottingham and Nottinghamshire ICB